In case you want to start an interface without scheduling a polling sender adapter (e.g. file) and you need a reliable trigger for a message transfer, this solution helps to set up any scenario easily. An XML message with a generic structure is sent to the messaging runtime with the parameters you have defined in the trigger job. Based on the parameters you can proceed with any interfacing scenario (call a web service/REST/HTTP URL, read a file using WHINT FileReader Adapter, …).
- Deploy the SCA/EAR file provided by Whitepaper InterfaceDesign using NWDS/JSPM/SUM/Telnet
- Import the TPZ file provided by Whitepaper InterfaceDesign into your ESR
- Define an Integrated Configuration (ICO)/iFlow/Sender Agreement that reflects the scenario
- Select a sender system/service which will be configured from the Job
- Sender Interface (will be always the same coming from the Job): MessageTriggerRequest_Out ( of Software Component WHINT_MTJ 2016.02 of
- Schedule the job from NWA -> Operations -> Jobs -> Java Scheduler
- Add Task with Job name MessageTriggerJob
- Parameters:
- ScenarioSender (mandatory): WHINT_MTJ or any sender service that is configured with your Integrated Configuration/Sender Agreement
- SenderParty (optional): used in your Integrated Configuration
- ReceiverService & ReceiverParty (optional): Virtual Receiver used in your Integrated Configuration
- ScenarioID (optional): <name/description of the scenario> – will be used to perform content based routing
- Provide further scenario parameters (up to 10) as name/value pairs, e.g. Param01: PERIOD=MONTH
- The scheduling should be done according to your business needs (hourly, Mon-Fri between 8:00 and 18:00)
The XML message sent by the job looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <mtj:MessageTriggerRequest xmlns:mtj=""> <ScenarioID>MVR</ScenarioID> <JobID>generated id</JobID> <Parameter name="PERIOD">MONTH</Parameter> <Parameter name="START_DATE">2016-12-01</Parameter> <Parameter name="END_DATE">2016-12-31</Parameter> </mtj:MessageTriggerRequest>
You need to pick up exchange rates without deleting them from the source folder, or you do not want to send a request message from SAP ERP to receive the latest updates (e.g. master data from a CMS). Set up the MessageTrigger Job in NWA and define the scheduling according to your needs.
You can decide between a simple, recurring or Cron based execution.
When defining a Cron based execution (e.g. every 1st of a month at 8:00 AM), do not forget to set the minutes in addition to the hour – otherwise the execution will take place every minute (!).